Eighth Street United Methodist Church

The following information is adapted from One Hundred Years.

In 1888, a small group of Christians under the leadership of Rev. Minnegan organized the Methodist Episocopal Church near Old Bob track in the east part of town called Lick Skillet.

As the membership grew, they moved in 1897 to present location of the Eighth Street Methodist Church on 16th Street.  Rev. L. E. Parker was pastor at that time.  Five years later the congregation bought the land and built the present church.  The corner stone was laid in 1918.  [See below]

The men and women who pioneered in the church growth were J. D. and Rachel Logan, Arch Gray, Violet Brown, Lee Tatum and others.

The first Missionary Society was organized in 1918, with Violet Brown, president, and Rachel Logan, secretary.

With continued growth, a cafeteria was added in 1967 under the leadership of Rev. W. M. Gibson.

Eighth Street United Methodist Church has been blessed with 40 or more pastors who served faithfully.  Some are Rev. Cole, Rev. Logan, Rev. Parker, Rev. Besh, Rev. Espy, Rev. Minnegan, Rev. Herlee, Rev. Kelley, Rev. Lamb, Sr., Rev. Lamb, Jr., Rev. Gibson, Rev. Taylor, Rev. Rose and Pastor Nathan.

Deceased former members include Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Logan, Pete calloway, Lee Tatum, Maggie and Dump Bogan, Dupie Dalton, Forty Gray, Gid Simmons, M. J. Johnson and many others.

From the Honey Grove Signal, May 10, 1918

Colored People Will Erect Fine Church

The members of the Eighth Street Methodist Church (colored) of this city are now in a drive to erect a church building to take the place of the structure destroyed by fire last year.  The pastor, Rev. Freeman Parker, has shown us the plans of the proposed structure, which if erected will be a credit to the congregation.  The building as planned will have a large auditorium, social room, Sunday school rooms, choir loft, steam heat and all other modern conveniences.  The building will cost about $5,000, a goodly portion of which has already been subscribed.

From the Honey Grove Signal, September 27, 1918

Cornerstone Laying

The trustee and building committees of the Eighth Street M. E. Church (Colored) have begun the erection of their new meeting house and the cornerstone will be laid Sunday, September 29, at 3 p.m. by the Swancy Lodge No. 444 of the Masonic fraternity, assisted by lodges from Paris, Roxton and Ladonia.  Rev. Rex. B. Wilkes will deliver the cornerstone address.  Our white friends are invited.  A troupe of singers from Clarksville will assist in the signing.