
Honey Grove, Ladonia, Windom and Wolfe City Telephone Directories

19281949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 19531956,  1958, 1959, 19601961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1966

1878-9 Texas Business Directory

Available at  It lists the following businesses for Honey Grove.  

Agricultural Implements:  Donaldson, J.S. & Co.

Blacksmiths:  Woodson, J.P.

Boot & Shoe Dealers:  Walcott, B. S. & Son

Boot and Shoe Manufacturers and Makers:  Frey, Chas.

Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods:  Brin, S. & H.; McKee, J. B.

Druggests: Bramlett, S. E.; Dailey, G. A.

​Dry Goods:  McKee, J. B.

General Merchants:  Brin, S. & H.; Underwood, W.; Wood, B. G. & Son; Walcott, B. S. & Son; Yarbrough, T. B.

Groceries:  Allen, J. R.; LaMaster, L. C.; McDonald, J. C.; Masters, L. C.; Patty, J. W. & Co.; Underwood, W.; Wood, B. F. & Son; Walcott, B. S. & Son

Hardware:  Sanders, J. C.

Harness Makers:  Barnett & Hale

Hat Makers:  Brin, S. & H

Lawyers:  Carpenter, G. A.; Wills, G. W.

Lumber Dealers:  Long & Gwaltney

Mills, Flour and Grist: Williams & Wilson 

Paints, Oils. Etc.:  Daily, Geo. A.

Stoves & Tinware:  Sanders, J. C.

Wheelwrights: Woodson, J. P.

1884 - Texas State Gazetteer and Business Directory

Available at

Agricultural Implements:  Burgher & Stephens; John Campbell

Bakers and Confectioners:  George Brehn; Newton Miller

Barbers:  C. F. Koehler; Samuel Reynolds; Cooper C. Still; Samuel Stull

Billiard Halls:  J. T. Boswell; Henry Meyers & Co.

Blacksmiths:  J. Fuqua; Rutherford Bros.; White & Yeager

Boots & Shoes:  C. B. Banks; B & S Malor

Carpenters, Contractors and Builders:  T. R. Baird, Robert Beard; Boon Bors.; J. B. Boon & Bro.; J. A. Coulter; Grank Gamble; H. O Gill; J. L. Heord; J. H. Huddle; R. H. Kirk; John Lynn; B. H. Myres; W. W. Orr; M. E. Parker; R. A. Rose; J. R. Scott; J. H. Smith; B. F. Yarbrough

Carriage and Wagon Makers:  H. S. Williams; S. M. Williamson

Colleges, Schools, etc.:  Walcott Institute

Confectionary, Fruits, etc.:  G. W. B. Larrison, Newton Miller, E. F. Wortham

Constable: Wm. Smith

Cotton Buyers:  Wm. C. Reed; A. L. Ward; W. D. Wilkins

Cotton Ginners:  M. B. Crowson; G. A. Dailey; Johnston & Guthrie; Walcott & Wilson

Dentists:  W. C. Crow; E. C. Eversole

Dressmakers:  Miss L.A. Bennett & Co.

Druggists:  G. A. Dailey; J. M. McKinstry; J. B. Ryan

Dry Goods:  J. H. Robnett; T. B. Yarbrough; Pierce, James P.

Express Agent: P. C. Cox

Farm Implements: John Campbell

Flour Mills:  M B. Crowson; G. A. Dailey; Johnson & Guthrie

Furniture Makers:  B. F. Barnum; Leeman & Rose; Pickens & Allen

General Stores:  John Campbell; J. B. McKee; J. J. Nesbitt; W. Underwood; W. D. Wilkins; T. B. Yarbrough

Grain Dealers:  Burgher & Go; Gwaltney & Bro.

Grocers (Wholesale):  Ballinger, Becson & Hutton; G. B. Larrison; Parhill & Irby; I. P. Pierce; J. P Pierce & Son; Rutherford & Harrell; W. C. Scott; G. F. Stanfield

Grocers (Retail): Ballinger, Becson & Hutton; G. F. Hanfield; W. J. Parkhill; J. P. Pierce; W. C. Scott; J. W. Toby

Hardware, Stoves & Tinware:  Burgher & Stephens, F. C. Fisher; Gamble, Rumbly & Pirtle; Gwaltney Bros. & Erwin

Hotels:  Ligon House (T. H. Ligon propr.); Planters' House (A. H. Mauldin); Smith Hotel (T. M. Coulter propr.); Yoeger House (W. B. Yoeger, propr)

Hides, Pelts & Furs:  J. R. Allen

Insurance Agents:  B. M. Burgher; J. A. Pierce

Justice of the Peace: W. H. Lemons

Lawyers:  T. A. Barron; George A. Carpenter; W. H. Gross; J. U. Owen; G. W. Wells

Live Stock Breeders:  Tank Holt; B. O. Walcott; W. C. Wood

Livery, Sale and Stables:  R. C. Bryan; Reed & McDaniel

Lumber:  Burgher & Co.; Gwaltney & Bro.

Marshal:  L. C. Lamaster

Meat Markers:  G. L. Smith; J. H. Speaker; John B. Kahn

Milliners:  Miss L. A. Bennett & Co.; Mrs. J. E. Ford; Mrs. M. L. Ford; Mrs. Bentley

Music Teachers:  Mrs. P. F. Hays; Mrs. Wm. Waltermire

Newspapers (Daily):  Honey Grove Independent, L. N. Hornbeck editor, W. W. Nornbeck, publisher

Newspaper (Semi-Weekly):  Independent

Nursery Agent: G. N. Bell

Painters (House & Sign): Rover W. Burnett

Photographers:  H. T. Hendrick

Physicians and Surgeons:  S. G. Bittick; W. T. Booth; S. E. Bramlette; A. H. Collins; G. A. Dailey; W. E. Dailey; V. A. Howeth; Joseph Meyer; L. B. Page; G. M. Pennybacker; F. E. Pope; J. M. Terry

Planing Mills:  Gwaltney, Galbraith & Co.

Real Estate;  Burgher Young

Restaurants:  H. P. Pipkins; J. E. Pipkins; Mrs. N. Reed

Saddle & Harness Makers:  J. B. Barnett; W. H. Lane; J. J. Lyons

Saloons:  J. T. Boswell; Charles Lewis; Henry Myres & Co.; O. T. Stephens; S. M. Stephens

Sash, Doors and Blinds:  J. T. Burgher & Co.

Sewing Machines:  G. A. Harrison

School Teacher: Sarah L. Bell; Mrs. Susan A. Ritcherson

Tailors:  W. Boliver; Wm. Leroy

Teachers:  Miss Dora Insley; Mrs. L. W. Kendall (teacher in drawing); J. S. Kendall; Pierce, J. L.; J. S. Price (prof high school); W. A. Wilborn (principal high school)

Telegraph operator: Edward A. Kellogg; Henry M. Sikes

Tinsmiths:  C. Bartholomew; J. J Erskin

Undertakers:  B. F. Barnum

Watches, Clocks and Jewelry:  H. Gardthausen; J. S. Neville

Planters and Growers in Fannin County are listed starting on page 861 of the book.

1890 Texas State Directory ​for Fannin County.

A transcription is available on the Fannin County GenWeb site.  

Scollard's 1899-1900 Honey Grove City Directory.  

The Scollard's 1899-1900 Honey Grove City Directory gives names, addresses and occupations of individuals as well as the names and in some cases advertisements for businesses.  Please note that at some point in time (which we have not yet determined) the street numbers were changed, and the street numbers on West Market and West Main, for example, started on 5th Street.  Therefore some research is needed regarding street numbers.  

Scollard's 1899-1900 Ladonia City Directory.

1903.  Directory of Texas Industries.

Available at  It lists the following for Honey Grove.

Attorneys:  Armstrong, E. C., Baldwin, Jas. M., Carpenter, Geo., Gardner, S. H., Gross & Gross, Ragsdale, R. B., Wells, G. W., Wood, Eugene.

 Banks: First National Bank; capital, $125,000; W. Underwood, President; T. U. Cole, cashier. Planters National Bank; capital, $75,000; J. T. Holt, president; R. J. Thomas, cashier.

Insurance:  Cox, Mrs. Mollie E.;  Dailey, Geo. A.;  Easterwood, C. E.; Gross & Gross; La Master & Clay; Pierce, John A.; Reed, Miss Laura; Robnett, J. H.; Taylor, W. E.; Waltermire, W.; Jones, M. H.; Mayer, John D.; Reed, Laura; Ronaldson, W. L.; Wood, E. S.; Ragsdale, R. B.; Duncan, W. L.; LaMaster, L. C.; Pierce, John A.

Lumber:  De Balb Lumber Co., Lyon, O. T. & Sons.

Cotton See Oil Mills:  Honey Grove Cotton Oil Co.

Maloney's 1910-1911 Honey Grove City Directory

This City Directory is part of a larger volume that includes Bonham and many other Fannin County towns.  The pages for Honey Grove are near the end. [This document was online at the Texas A&M Commerce website, but has been removed.]

Texas State Gazetteer and Business Directory.  1890-91.

Available on FamilySearch.