
Honey Grove maps are on this page.

See maps of the area north of Honey Grove HERE.

See historic county maps showing Honey Grove.

Sanborn maps for 1885, 1888, 1892, 1897, 1902, 1909 and 1921 are available HERE.

Map of Honey Grove Square prior to the building of the Post Office.

Another version of the map that can be enlarged is HERE.

Click HERE to use a copy of this map that will allow you to zoom in.  The key is below:

1.  High School                                                                                    

2. Walcott Institute                                                                                      

3.  Methodist Episcopal Church                                                            

4.  Baptist Church                                                                              

5.  Presbyterian Church                                                                       

6.  Cumberland Presbyterian Church                                                   

7.  Episcopal Church                                                                            

8.  Christian Church                                                                            

9.  Colored Churches                                                                            

10. Dramatic Hall                                                                                

12. Rail Road Depot                                                                            

​13. Post Office, T. D. Bloys, P.M.

14. First National Bank, T. U. Cole, Cashier

​15. W. Underwood, General Merchandise and Fancy Goods

16. J. L. Ware, General Merchandise, Fancy Goods & Notions

​17.  J. H. Robnett, General Merchandise and Fancy Goods

18.  J. B. McKee & Co., General Merchandise and Fancy Goods

​19.  W. D. Wilkins, General Merchandise and Fancy Goods

       W. D. Wilkins & Co., Bankers

​20.  J. B. Ryan, Drugs, Jewelry, Books and Stationery

​21.  S. L. Erwin & Co., Hardware, Farm & Mill Machinery

​22.  Burgher & Stephens, Hardware, Farm & Mill Machinery

​23. T. B. Yarbrough, Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats and Caps

​24.  Pierce, Wood & Co., Whole and Retail Groceries

25. Scott Bros., Staple and Fancy Groceries

​26. F. C. Fisher & Sons, Hardware, and Manufacturers of Tinware, Walcott's Block

27. B. F. Barnum, Furniture Dealers, Walcott's Block

​28. W. R. Burnett, Painter and Paper Hanger

29. Yeager House, W. D. Yeager, Prop'r.

​30. Smith Hotel, T. M. Coulter, Prop'r.

31. A. H. Smith's Livery, Feed and Sale Stables

​32. J. D. Burgher & Co., Lumber Yard and Grain House,   Dealers in Grain, Lumber, Sash, Doors

33. T. H. Seaton's Lumber Yard and Residence

34. H. S. Williams, Wagon and Carriage Repair Shops 

35. A. N. Kinsworthy, Gen'l Blacksmithing

36. R. B. Smith, Traveling Salesman

37.  C. H. Walcott, Real Estate, The Walcott Residence

38.  The Stobaugh Residence

39.  B. O. Walcott's Cotto, Gun and Flour Mills

​40.  J. H. Johnson's Cotton, Gin and Flour Mills

41.  Dr. S. I. Harrison, Physician and Surgeon

42. Gin Mills

43. Planing Mills

1956-60 Map Prepared by Norma Nichols